Aa, a as in "last" |
Bb, b as in "be" |
Cc, ts as in "wits" |
Ĉĉ, ch as in "church" |
Dd, d as in "do" |
Ee, a as in "make" |
Ff, f as in "fly" |
Gg, g as in "gun" |
Ĝĝ, j as in "join" |
Hh, h as in "half" |
Ĥĥ, strongly aspirated h, "ch" in "loch" (scotch) |
Ii, i as in "marine" |
Jj, y as in "yoke" |
Ĵĵ, z as in "azure" |
Kk, k as in "key" |
Ll, l as in "line" |
Mm, m as in "make" |
Nn, n as in "now" |
Oo, o as in "not" |
Pp, p as in "pair" |
Rr, r as in "rare" |
Ss, s as in "see" |
Ŝŝ, sh as in "show" |
Tt, t as in "tea" |
Uu, u as in "bull" |
Ŭŭ, u as in "mount" (used in diphtongs) |
Vv, v as in "very" |
Zz, z as in "zeal" |
Remark. ― If it be found impraticable to print works with the diacritical signs (^,˘), the letter h may be substituted for the sign (^), and the sign (˘), may be altogether omitted.
There are two forms of the participle in the international language, the changeable or adjectival, and the unchangeable or adverbial.
All forms of the passive are rendered by the respective forms of the verb est (to be) and the participle passive of the required verb; the preposition used is de, „by”. E. g. ŝi est'as am'at'a de ĉiu'j, „she is loved by every one”.